Skins opening intros;
The opening of skins has many different short images and video clips of the teens living their everyday lives, it takes into account the rebellious side of teenagers and doesn't sugarcoat how they act. So we the opening gives us a very real image of how they behave, we see clips of them partying, skipping college, drinking, smoking, taking drugs and having sex. I know that skins is a television series and we're doing a title sequence for a film, but our film is going to be massively based on the traits that the teenagers have in the series so we want to show all this in our opening as our film is going to be on teen drama. I chose those screen shots as it shows a different aspect of teenage life, the music also connotes teenagers and the music is loud, upbeat and has a strong bass to it, which is mainly the music that young adults listen to. Also the bright colours symbolises youth and the way the clips blend and change, through cigarette smoke, birds flying around, scenes of bristol and the abrupt shapes. All of the above is partly how we want our opening to be and this all connotes the teenage lifestyle in a more realistic way than the typical high school teen films.
By Jennifer Tate.
By Jennifer Tate.
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