Tuesday, 10 January 2012

Frame by frame Analysis - Angus, Thongs and Perfect Snogging.

Frame 1 - The first frame is a side shot of the main character's dad driving along side her while she walks along the pavement while she's dressed for a fancy dress party. 

Frame 2 - The second frame is a long shot of the same scene, just from a different view point. 

Frame 3 - The third frame is of a the party, its a mid shot and you hear them all gasp in shock.

Frame 4 - The fourth frame is a mid shot of the main character standing in the party in a olive costume, with everyone talking about her and whispering in shock. 

Frame 5 - The fifth frame is a mid close up of the main character with an embarrassed look upon on her face, and you also hear about 2-3 seconds of sound which is to connote her realisation of how she looks. 

Frame 6 - The sixth frame is a mid shot of a blonde girl (whom is the rival of the main character) laughing at her whilst dressed as a cat, however looking very pretty. 

Frame 7 - The seventh frame is again a mid shot of the main characters three best friends looking upset and empathising for her. 

Frame 8 - The eight frame is a mid shot of the main character looking annoyed and upset whilst you can hear everyone laughing at her in the background.

Frame 9 - The ninth frame is a wide shot of the main characters rival, her friends and a few other people in the background. The blonde girl then mocks the main character by saying 'and what are you supposed to be, and obese leprechaun?' 

Frame 10 - The tenth frame then goes into a mid shot of the main character, you can now see most of her outfit and she responds with 'Anyone can see I'm a stuffed olive'.

Frame 11 - The eleventh frame is then a mid close up of the blonde girl and her two friends, she says to the main character 'Stuffed is right' and you hear laughter in the background.

Frame 12 - The twelfth frame is a close up of the main character so we can see her facial expression as her smile has faced from her face as she's been hurt from the comment made.

Frame 13 - The thirteenth frame is another mid shot of the main characters three friends looking worried, and looking down. 

Frame 14 - The fourteenth frame is a long shot of the main character, quirky music then comes on and you see her walking towards her group of friends.

Frame 15 - The fifteenth frame is a a tracking shot of the main character pushing past the blonde girl and her friends, whilst knocking things over, you hear people complaining and sighing at what she is doing. The blonde girl then hits the back of her costume. 

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