When making a film directors will focus on a certain "class" to aim their product at.
Our film is aimed at teenagers, we want it too be as real too life as possible. So we are gonna try too include things that we do, for example smoking, partying and drinkin
When researching stereotypical teenagers we found this from many websites; As this appears too be our audience we shall try and make it realistic and as close too this as possible.
Raging hormones.
Anyone over 30 really sucks.
Knows everything there is to know.
Wants Instant gratification with no regard to consequences.
Rebellious toward parents and anyone of authority.
Very untidy room and grubby clothes.
Talks in monosyllables.
Always look like they're pouting.
Tries oh-so-hard to be "cool."
Walks in a slouch while constantly texting or wearing phones.
No regard for other human beings other than his/her "crowd."
Constant sex drive
Risk and care free
Experimental (http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100415180530AABpfXz)
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