Monday, 23 January 2012

Research into Potential Target Audience;

In media it is common to refer to a hypothetical member of the target audience. 
For example; 
Mischa: She is a 17 year old college student of black British ethnicity, that lives with her Dad in Bristol, that enjoying going to concerts, hanging out with her friends, going to parties, going to town, drinking and following fashion. At parties and in her spare time she tends to listen to music that is in the charts, dubstep and drum and bass. She generally watches e4 as it appeals to her age group, some of the shows that are shown are; Skins, The Inbetweeners, The Big Bang Therory, Shipwrecked, Misfits etc, this all falls under the 'Teen' genre. 
Aaron: He is a 16 year old school drop out of white British ethnicity, who is unemployed and lives with his parents in Liverpool. In his spare time he likes to go down the skatepark with his friends, he also likes to play xbox and occasionally smokes cannabis. He listens to alternative rock and indie music. He doesn't tend to watch much t.v except for Skins and the occasional episode of Friends, but he mainly watches films such as Kidulthood and other 'Teen' films. 
We think that these are the type of people that would watch our film because they are in the age range of 15-24 as this is our target audience age range. Our movie would probably have the same type of audience as skins has as the target audience is about the same, according to the British Film Institute(BFI) statistical yearbook, the gender split of films with a similar genre to Skins in 2011 was 53% girls and 47% boys, this shows that girls tend to watch it more, but not by very much.

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