Monday, 16 January 2012

Analysis of title sequence: Napoleon Dynamite.

Title Sequence of Napoleon Dynamite.
The use of high school props such as horrible canteen food and sticky labels that are used typically in schools sets the scene for a typical american high school. The use of the student card shows the character that the movie is based around. The use of colour in the title sequence is quite basic and are mostly pastel colours, the colour and the mise-en-scene works together to set the scene for the era that the movie was based in. The title sequence gives the impression that the character is quite querky and weird, abit of a geek, because of the organised labels, the folded star and the card with the alien on it. It gives the audience an idea about exactly what they are going to be watching, if you didn't know the genre before you watched the movie, you would definitely know after watching the title sequence.

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