Thursday, 26 January 2012

Marketing for our Movie

 The main ways that we would market our film would be tv adverts, bilboards, posters and social networking.
T.V adverts- we would have t.v. adverts on E4, Channel 4 and Music Channels. It will be this specific because these are the channels that young people tend to watch because of the type of programmes shown attracts young people such as, The Inbetweeners, Skins, Shipwrecked, Made In Chelsea etc. The main timing for our adverts would be between 6pm and 11pm, this is because the sorts of programmes young people watch are on around these times.

Billboards- this is because from the age of 17 you can drive, and if they have the opportunity, young people would rather drive then get public transport, so Billboards would be used to attract those people that drive to watch our movie.
Posters- we would use posters at bus stops and at train stations because if they don't drive then young people get the bus and train most places. This way we are attracting every person no matter how they get around.
Posters in Clubs- by putting posters in clubs it gives off the impression that our movie is hip and aimed at that target audience that go clubbing.
Social Networking- we would use Social Networking sites such as Facebook and Twitter to market our movie because most young people either have Facebook and/or Twitter and because a lot of people would rather hear off of their friends how good a movie is instead of being told by newspaper reviews etc. We could also use the technique called Guerilla Marketing, this is when you set something up that is unconventional and not expected at the time or place that it is done to promote a product or idea. Examples of Guerrilla Marketing are Flashmobs or Graffiti. 

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