Saturday, 31 March 2012

Evaluation activity seven - by Jessica Towler

From the preliminary task I have learnt a lot about camera work and the programs we used to edit the filming, the preliminary task was quite rushed and only took about 5 minutes to film as we used a small room and so this made it was easy to get the shots we wanted, whereas in the main filming for our movie opening, we also used quite a tight space for the beginning of the opening, but this made it a little bit harder to get the shots we wanted because it was a narrow alley way so some of the shots like a long shot of Jenny sitting down was not possible as I could not possibly get the camera that far away from her, I did the best I possibly could and got an angled long shot of Jenny sitting down on the curb in the alley.

I have also learnt a lot about editing because in the preliminary task there was only so much editing we could do, but in the movie opening there was much more of a variety of things we could do with the filming, we decided to add music, text and different volumes and effects in the filming, for example we used the split screen for the phone conversation, this is a good thing to have in our movie because it is originally from a music video type thing, and this could help our movie link to our target audience of 15-21 year old's because they are the age group that tend to watch music videos the most. 

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