When we came up with our initial idea we quite quickly came up with an idea about our target audience, we did research into previous teen films and the conventions of teen movies, like whats included and whats not included just so we knew what we needed our movie to be like and how we wanted it to fit in with the genre. We quite quickly came up with two hypothetical people that fit in with our target audience, they were:
Mischa: She is a 17 year old college student of black British ethnicity, that lives with her Dad in Bristol, that enjoying going to concerts, hanging out with her friends, going to parties, going to town, drinking and following fashion. At parties and in her spare time she tends to listen to music that is in the charts, dubstep and drum and bass. She generally watches e4 as it appeals to her age group, some of the shows that are shown are; Skins, The Inbetweeners, The Big Bang Therory, Shipwrecked, Misfits etc, this all falls under the 'Teen' genre.
Aaron: He is a 16 year old school drop out of white British ethnicity, who is unemployed and lives with his parents in Liverpool. In his spare time he likes to go down the skatepark with his friends, he also likes to play xbox and occasionally smokes cannabis. He listens to alternative rock and indie music. He doesn't tend to watch much t.v except for Skins and the occasional episode of Friends, but he mainly watches films such as Kidulthood and other 'Teen' films.
We used these two people as a constant reference when we were planning our movie, and took them into consideration when we were making crucial decisions, this made sure that we were making decisions in the right way and that we were always taking our audience into consideration.
After Rough Cut-
When our movie rough cut was shown to people in our target audience they said that they didn't really understand the plot very much and they couldn't tell that she was in fact going into college unless you knew the college and you went there, they said that we needed a hook to attract the audience to keep watching. They said that there were some glitches in the split screen and we knew there were, but it was difficult to make it perfect because we had to cut a bit of the talking out as there was a big pause, so we had to cut it out and try and match the split screens up as good as we possibly could, and they also said that the volume levels on the split screen were not matching because one person was a lot louder than the other.
Using the feedback-
After having this feedback we decided to get straight on it and make the changes we needed to, to make our movie opening more appealing to our target audience, firstly we sorted out the sound levels on the split screen conversation and sorted out the glitches as much as we possibly could in the split screen. Then we moved onto the more difficult part of making it more obvious that the character is going into college, and there were many ways we could do this, one of them was to just show the college sign more obviously in the final shot, or to show her walking through the college doors, but we thought the most effective way to put across the fact that she is going into college was to actually show her walking into college, and so we had to film again, so we jus filmed her walking into college, getting changed into some more college appropriate clothes, and then walking into a class still looking a mess, showing she is actually going into college for a class and that the night before has a big effect on her college life and her education as a whole.
Above is a film of a classmate watching the film and then giving us feedback. We asked him certain questions so he would give us the important feedback we needed, and we made the video as its more engaging and we get his instant thoughts on the film. As Jess has explained above we took on board all the feedback that we had gotten and edited out video. But we still wanted feedback of our finished film, to help us evaluate it better hence why we asked if a classmate wouldn't mind watching the final cut and giving us good and bad points about the film.
Above is the final cut of our video.
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