Thursday, 29 March 2012

Evaluation activity six - by Jess & Jenny

The photo on the left is of me setting up the camera and tripod for Jess as she was going to film the inside shots of me and Hayley in the end scene. However I do know how to camera as did all the filming in the preliminary task we did. This involved me making sure that there was enough memory on the camera so we could film everything we needed, making sure we have enough battery for the time we were filming, and generally just checking that the camera and tripod were in good working order. I do some filming outside when we used another person to do the other end of the phone conversation but we didn't use this as it looked too rushed. 

The photo to the right is me using 'Final Cut Pro' this is the software we used to edit all of our film. The edited took a long time and consisted of a few days possibly 2 weeks as we had to edit in sound, pictures, video clips. I imported the clips, and photos onto 'Final cut Pro' and then edited them in the correct order, once the film was edited correctly, I then added in the two sets of music we used. The reason that editing took so long was because we had photos to import but the first set didn't come out well, so we had to redo them, which lost us 7 days of editing the photos.

This is a photo of me using the camera and the tripod filming
the inside shots, i have used these before on the preliminary task, but i didn't film a lot for it, so using the camera as much as i did was interesting and helped me learn a lot about technology, i  filmed the majority of the opening of our movie so got a lot of use out of it.
The shots outside worked quite well i thought because we got them filmed quicker than i thought we would, as we got all of it filmed within 10 minutes, even though we got about 3 shots of most things this helped us get on and edit, helping us on timing to get everything done on time.

This photo shows me using soundtrack pro, the screen grab below is also soundtrack pro and i used this program on the mac to make the sounds for the ident, i put the sounds that i wanted together, altered the speed of the typing sounds and imported it into final cut pro.


This is a screen grab of Final Cut Pro, we used this to make the whole media product, we added the music and the sounds from Soundtrack Pro into Final Cut Pro and edited it all in that one place, this made it easy as everything was in one document and so it was easy to locate and work from throughout the project.

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