Friday, 10 February 2012

Props and Costume.

Below I've taken photos and screengrabs of the props and costumes that we were using in our final film (Teenagism) and explained why we used them. 

The outfit that I'm wearing was chosen because it makes me look older (18-19) and that's how old I had to look to show drinking and going out etc. It was also quite revealing to show the rebellious and deceptive side of teenage life. We had to make sure that everyone in the photos was dressed according to the genre of our film (girl on my left), for example, heavy make up, short dress and heels. 

The shoes were an important part of the costume because it shows that I've had a 'heavy' night out as I'm carrying them because my feet are clearly hurting, and you can see that they're scuffed on the platform and on the heels which is displaying the fact that I must have tripped and fallen over at some point in the night, which also connotes the fact I must have drunk or/and taken other substances. 

Make-up and hair.
My make up and hair took quite a long time to do and as we filmed on a few different days it was  quite time consuming as we wanted it to look genuine. We did my make up so that it looked like i had been crying, hence the black eyes and a few streams down my cheeks, and my hair is half up to show that it was perfect at the beginning of the night but has now clearly become messed up. But you're still not entirely sure how this happened as you don't find this out in the opening scene, but from the costume and make up you can tell something dramatic/bad must have happened. Also compared to the friend that she is talking to, you can see how different her lifestyle is to the majority of the teenagers that she knows, as the image that she is portraying is dramatically different. 

Props - Cigarettes.
We used cigarettes as a prop as in this day and age most teenagers smoke as it shows their rebellious side and is also considered very social. The fact that she's smoking whilst in this state also just adds to the whole illusion that she's a rebellious teenager who has no boundaries or consideration for what she gets up to in her spare time. 

Props - Mobile phone.
We used a Blackberry Curve as the phone that she had as its a very popular phone with people aged 14-25, and we wanted to show that teenagers never go anywhere without their mobile, so even if she's drunk or high she still won't lose her phone as its very important to her. 

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