Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Filming Diary- day two.

Before shooting on day two we had to find somewhere new to film, we had to make sure it was close to college so that if we needed to we could go out and film little parts that might not have worked so well, we decided to use the alley way near college as it would be easy to link it with the college, and it would be easy to show her walking into college as the way it will show it will all be in the same location and we won't have to go very far at all to film again if needed. 

We knew going into day two that we had to get jenny's part of the filming done, otherwise we would be off schedule and would be at risk of not getting everything done on time, we got all the props and costumes ready and went out and found a new location, we then began filming and once we started and decided on shots that we were using it didn't take long at all,
and we added shots where we thought they were needed, but initially we kept most of the shots the same as the shot list and kept to the shooting schedule where needed. So coming out of day two we got everything we needed, ready to film jack's part the next day.

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