Monday, 27 February 2012

Jess's Opinion

I feel that the filming didn't turn out like it was meant to when we planned it, the weather for a start was a little bit to dark and this made the genre of the film seem dark and maybe not the fun, teen type film we were trying to make it, at the moment our movie looks like something bad is going to happen because Jenny is walking down an alley way with litter on the floor in dark, cloudy weather on her own. I think that  we lost track of our genre when we got carried away with our storyline and that our movie would not fit in with other typical 'teen' movies that are out there these days, it fits in more with TVseries' such as skins, and I know that our target audience was that age group, but  I don't think that our movie targets that audience in the right way. This is mainly because of the way the main character comes across, she is 'out of it' and looks like she has been out and had a rough night, but she looks like she has gone too far, and that it has crossed the border from fun to dangerous, and she seems vulnerable and I personally don't think that was the way she was meant to come across to the audience. I think that the right way for our movie to come across after our filming would be to show the effects of alcohol and to try and get teenagers to see what they are putting themselves through, and to try and get them to cut down and to try not to get into such a bad state as what Jenny is in our movie opening.

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