Saturday, 11 February 2012


Title sequence for our opening:
The title sequence is going to be a photo montage of Jenny's (our main character) night out. You will see photos of her getting ready, getting dressed in her outfit and at at a really wild party so show her lifestyle. This is almost how we are going to introduce our main characters and set our scene and genre for our film. it will be facebooked themed to connote teenage life; as soon as you see a close up or a clear shot of the characters their names and characters names will appear on the bottom of the screen. A remixed track such as dubstep or drum and bass will be playing throughout.

Our opening:
The music will be playing throughout the photos, a black spilt will then appear and the music will cut to an abrupt stop. You hear the noise of a phone dailing you then see Jenny sat on the kerb with her hair messed up, make-up down her face, tights laddered and smoking a cigarette. The camera will zoom up across her body and stays on her face and you see her take a long drag of her cigarette. The scene will be very dark and street lamps will be on so you know that its very early in the morning. We have a tracking shot of her, holding her high heels, the camera the zooms on her face and you see her take a drag of her cigarette, she then stands up and start to walk, this is then a long shot. All of this is being incorporated with the photos from the night before to tell our story and show what has happened to her. You then hear her phone ringing and she goes through her pockets, you see a close up of the the phone ringing with the called ID of , she then picks up the phone takes another drag of her cigarette and she answers the phone whilst the camera is on a close up shot, and she then says 'What the fuck happened last night?'. Then it cuts completely to a black screen. Throughout the sequence the link between how the character looks before and after is displayed in a video photo montage. 

We thought we'd show a few photos for inspiration on make-up and props to try and portray an image of what we want it to like like. This is a photo of Kaya Scodelario (Effy from Skins) We've decided to use this image as it shows an excellent representation of how we want Jenny to look. 

This is a photo we found of a very crammed party scene, this is one of the best photos I've scene as it really shows a wild, teen and outrageous party will is exactly what we want to show in our photo montage for our title sequence. 

We love this photo we found from Skins as although this series portrays them as rebellious teenagers who want to act a whole lot older than their actually age, this shows their childish side as they're playing with water guns and foam. We want to somehow incorporate this into our montage as we still want to show that teenagers do have a childish vulnerable side. 

By Jennifer Tate.

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