Monday, 27 February 2012
Jenny's Opinion;
My personal opinion is that we've stuck to our brief but then drifted from it in many ways. For example the weather and costume has made our film come across much more dark and dangerous, rather than fun but with some consequences. This is is because we originally planned to filmed on a bright sunny day but when it came down to it it was cloudy and quite dark which has added a darker theme than we intend. Also the clothes that I'm dressed in are suited for someone much older than my actual age which I don't think fits into the genre very well as I fell we have almost taken it too far, if I was wearing something more teen like and almost quirky it may have suited the film better. I also think that our film opening looks more like a tv series such as skins, I personally think it looks more like an episode, but the opening and the titles do relate the the film genre. However the mise-en-scene, the smoking and the way that I'm talking to fit into our genre as this is how most teenagers act. They, drink, smoke and swear all rebellious traits. The location also makes it fit into the teen genre a lot more as its located outside and in college which displays our age. In conclusion I think that we've got caught up in the storyline more than the actual aim of the film which is why certain aspects of the film don't fit into our genre.
Jack's opinion;
Although our brief, was too do a "teen film" i feel that out film, has become a bit dark, the dark and dingy weather does not help. Also Jenny's clothing and makeup. the "Skank" look does not really fit in with the genre. Although she appears too be worse for wear and smoking, like many teenagers are after a night out, i feel that her distinct lack of clothing, and the fact that she is going into college, does not fit the genre of the film. I think for it too fit the brief, Jenny should of chosen different clothes, and if there wasn't a time restraint on filming, maybe we could of used a brighter day too not make it look so dark.
Jess's Opinion
I feel that the filming didn't turn out like it was meant to when we planned it, the weather for a start was a little bit to dark and this made the genre of the film seem dark and maybe not the fun, teen type film we were trying to make it, at the moment our movie looks like something bad is going to happen because Jenny is walking down an alley way with litter on the floor in dark, cloudy weather on her own. I think that we lost track of our genre when we got carried away with our storyline and that our movie would not fit in with other typical 'teen' movies that are out there these days, it fits in more with TVseries' such as skins, and I know that our target audience was that age group, but I don't think that our movie targets that audience in the right way. This is mainly because of the way the main character comes across, she is 'out of it' and looks like she has been out and had a rough night, but she looks like she has gone too far, and that it has crossed the border from fun to dangerous, and she seems vulnerable and I personally don't think that was the way she was meant to come across to the audience. I think that the right way for our movie to come across after our filming would be to show the effects of alcohol and to try and get teenagers to see what they are putting themselves through, and to try and get them to cut down and to try not to get into such a bad state as what Jenny is in our movie opening.
Friday, 24 February 2012
Filming Diary- day five.
When it came to the last day of filming we knew we had to get it done and finished so we could start on the editing and get everything up to date and done, so the original person that was going to be in the split screen decided to be back in it and it made it better as he knew a bit more about what he was meant to be doing and about the timing etc.
After the filming we took the camera back and looked at what we had and thinking about the timing of the conversation and how it matches up to what jenny says, it goes well with the timing and the overall look of what we were trying to get across, that jack would look clean and not as if he has been out compared to jenny who has had a rough night and who has come into college looking a mess. It shows the difference between them and the way that they use their spare time.
After the filming we took the camera back and looked at what we had and thinking about the timing of the conversation and how it matches up to what jenny says, it goes well with the timing and the overall look of what we were trying to get across, that jack would look clean and not as if he has been out compared to jenny who has had a rough night and who has come into college looking a mess. It shows the difference between them and the way that they use their spare time.
Thursday, 23 February 2012
Filming Diary- day four.
For day four we decided that we had to film jack's phone call conversation again, but jack didn't feel like filming today, so we used someone else to film instead.
This didn't work out either because the person we used to film didn't really know what we were doing and so he didn't have a clue about the timing or anything, so we had to film again, wasting another day of editing.
Wednesday, 22 February 2012
Filming Diary- day three.
As we were getting ready to film on day three we were pretty confident with what we needed to get done and with what we already had filmed as we looked over it when we were importing it onto the computer, so all we had to do on day three was film jack's part of having a phone conversation with jenny and this didn't turn out very well as the timing was off and so the conversation didn't flow as the two characters ended up talking over each other and so we knew we had to film it again, and we didn't have time today and it will only take 5 minutes to film again.
Tuesday, 21 February 2012
Filming Diary- day two.
Before shooting on day two we had to find somewhere new to film, we had to make sure it was close to college so that if we needed to we could go out and film little parts that might not have worked so well, we decided to use the alley way near college as it would be easy to link it with the college, and it would be easy to show her walking into college as the way it will show it will all be in the same location and we won't have to go very far at all to film again if needed.
We knew going into day two that we had to get jenny's part of the filming done, otherwise we would be off schedule and would be at risk of not getting everything done on time, we got all the props and costumes ready and went out and found a new location, we then began filming and once we started and decided on shots that we were using it didn't take long at all,
and we added shots where we thought they were needed, but initially we kept most of the shots the same as the shot list and kept to the shooting schedule where needed. So coming out of day two we got everything we needed, ready to film jack's part the next day.

and we added shots where we thought they were needed, but initially we kept most of the shots the same as the shot list and kept to the shooting schedule where needed. So coming out of day two we got everything we needed, ready to film jack's part the next day.
Monday, 20 February 2012
Filming Diary- day one.
We got everything we needed to film all of the shots except the part of the split screen, we were intending to film all of these shots on day one to get the majority of the film opening out of the way, so we could spend most of our time on the editing part of the movie, this didn't go to plan as it started to rain half way through filming and so in order to keep the camera safe we decided against filming any more, and as a result of this all of the filming on day one became useless as we knew we wouldn't be able to film there with the same weather and mise-en-scene again, making day two a crucial day for filming as we had to get the majority of it done ready to edit.
Saturday, 11 February 2012
Title sequence for our opening:
The title sequence is going to be a photo montage of Jenny's (our main character) night out. You will see photos of her getting ready, getting dressed in her outfit and at at a really wild party so show her lifestyle. This is almost how we are going to introduce our main characters and set our scene and genre for our film. it will be facebooked themed to connote teenage life; as soon as you see a close up or a clear shot of the characters their names and characters names will appear on the bottom of the screen. A remixed track such as dubstep or drum and bass will be playing throughout.
Our opening:
The music will be playing throughout the photos, a black spilt will then appear and the music will cut to an abrupt stop. You hear the noise of a phone dailing you then see Jenny sat on the kerb with her hair messed up, make-up down her face, tights laddered and smoking a cigarette. The camera will zoom up across her body and stays on her face and you see her take a long drag of her cigarette. The scene will be very dark and street lamps will be on so you know that its very early in the morning. We have a tracking shot of her, holding her high heels, the camera the zooms on her face and you see her take a drag of her cigarette, she then stands up and start to walk, this is then a long shot. All of this is being incorporated with the photos from the night before to tell our story and show what has happened to her. You then hear her phone ringing and she goes through her pockets, you see a close up of the the phone ringing with the called ID of , she then picks up the phone takes another drag of her cigarette and she answers the phone whilst the camera is on a close up shot, and she then says 'What the fuck happened last night?'. Then it cuts completely to a black screen. Throughout the sequence the link between how the character looks before and after is displayed in a video photo montage.

We thought we'd show a few photos for inspiration on make-up and props to try and portray an image of what we want it to like like. This is a photo of Kaya Scodelario (Effy from Skins) We've decided to use this image as it shows an excellent representation of how we want Jenny to look.
We love this photo we found from Skins as although this series portrays them as rebellious teenagers who want to act a whole lot older than their actually age, this shows their childish side as they're playing with water guns and foam. We want to somehow incorporate this into our montage as we still want to show that teenagers do have a childish vulnerable side.
By Jennifer Tate.
The title sequence is going to be a photo montage of Jenny's (our main character) night out. You will see photos of her getting ready, getting dressed in her outfit and at at a really wild party so show her lifestyle. This is almost how we are going to introduce our main characters and set our scene and genre for our film. it will be facebooked themed to connote teenage life; as soon as you see a close up or a clear shot of the characters their names and characters names will appear on the bottom of the screen. A remixed track such as dubstep or drum and bass will be playing throughout.
Our opening:
The music will be playing throughout the photos, a black spilt will then appear and the music will cut to an abrupt stop. You hear the noise of a phone dailing you then see Jenny sat on the kerb with her hair messed up, make-up down her face, tights laddered and smoking a cigarette. The camera will zoom up across her body and stays on her face and you see her take a long drag of her cigarette. The scene will be very dark and street lamps will be on so you know that its very early in the morning. We have a tracking shot of her, holding her high heels, the camera the zooms on her face and you see her take a drag of her cigarette, she then stands up and start to walk, this is then a long shot. All of this is being incorporated with the photos from the night before to tell our story and show what has happened to her. You then hear her phone ringing and she goes through her pockets, you see a close up of the the phone ringing with the called ID of , she then picks up the phone takes another drag of her cigarette and she answers the phone whilst the camera is on a close up shot, and she then says 'What the fuck happened last night?'. Then it cuts completely to a black screen. Throughout the sequence the link between how the character looks before and after is displayed in a video photo montage.

We thought we'd show a few photos for inspiration on make-up and props to try and portray an image of what we want it to like like. This is a photo of Kaya Scodelario (Effy from Skins) We've decided to use this image as it shows an excellent representation of how we want Jenny to look.
This is a photo we found of a very crammed party scene, this is one of the best photos I've scene as it really shows a wild, teen and outrageous party will is exactly what we want to show in our photo montage for our title sequence.
We love this photo we found from Skins as although this series portrays them as rebellious teenagers who want to act a whole lot older than their actually age, this shows their childish side as they're playing with water guns and foam. We want to somehow incorporate this into our montage as we still want to show that teenagers do have a childish vulnerable side.
By Jennifer Tate.
Initial Brainstorms.
Below is the mind map I did to go through possible ideas for our film.
All our ideas were linked in some way as you can see, but in the end we decided that the best thing to do was to do the morning after a night out or a party. We originally decided to film me coming into college from a party, but the party that we were going to take photos at got cancelled so we had to alter our idea slightly. So we then decided to do the story of a 16-17 going out to town clubbing and then coming into college. This in a way worked out better as it showed an even more rebellious side of teenage life as its illegal as she would have been underage. It still related to our initial ideas as it related to skins, was rebellious, and showed some parts of a wild night out.
Friday, 10 February 2012
Costume Planning.
The costumes we used we planned a lot of time on, as we wanted to make us look as old as possible as we had to look like we passed for 18-19 girls. We dressed me in tight wet look leggings which are normally worn on a night out, platform red stiletto heels, a black crop top which was quite revealing and and a red crop top over the top of this. We chose the colour red as its associated with being sexy and rebellious. We then dressed Frankie (the girl to my right) in a tight leapord print dress which showed off her legs, a soft black blazer and black platform heels. We dressed her in black as it didn't maker her look childish and the heels made her look a lot older as it added around 4 inches to her height.
As for make up and hair, I styled my hair in a beehive as I felt it looked grown up, and we styled Frankie with hair extensions to one side as this look is often associated with Newcastle which is one of the main Cities associated with its nightlife. We then did heavy black make-up, fake eyelashes and red lipstick, and made sure out nails were painted to match our outfit.
We had a small amount of speech in our film so we drafted a script to make things run more smoothly.
This was the original script for our film, however it got slightly changed and had more speech added to it as we did more filming that we originally intended, for example;
Hayley; "Ready for this exam?"
Jenny; "Do I look like I'm ready for this exam?"
Hayley; "Standard night out?"
Jenny; "Yeah pretty much."
Jenny; "Yeah I'm basically here now, so I'll speak to you when I'm inside. Alright bye."
This speech was added to make the storyline more understandable for our audience and to make sure that our film filled the time it was supposed to.
Props and Costume.
Below I've taken photos and screengrabs of the props and costumes that we were using in our final film (Teenagism) and explained why we used them.
The outfit that I'm wearing was chosen because it makes me look older (18-19) and that's how old I had to look to show drinking and going out etc. It was also quite revealing to show the rebellious and deceptive side of teenage life. We had to make sure that everyone in the photos was dressed according to the genre of our film (girl on my left), for example, heavy make up, short dress and heels.
The shoes were an important part of the costume because it shows that I've had a 'heavy' night out as I'm carrying them because my feet are clearly hurting, and you can see that they're scuffed on the platform and on the heels which is displaying the fact that I must have tripped and fallen over at some point in the night, which also connotes the fact I must have drunk or/and taken other substances.
Make-up and hair.
My make up and hair took quite a long time to do and as we filmed on a few different days it was quite time consuming as we wanted it to look genuine. We did my make up so that it looked like i had been crying, hence the black eyes and a few streams down my cheeks, and my hair is half up to show that it was perfect at the beginning of the night but has now clearly become messed up. But you're still not entirely sure how this happened as you don't find this out in the opening scene, but from the costume and make up you can tell something dramatic/bad must have happened. Also compared to the friend that she is talking to, you can see how different her lifestyle is to the majority of the teenagers that she knows, as the image that she is portraying is dramatically different.
Props - Cigarettes.
We used cigarettes as a prop as in this day and age most teenagers smoke as it shows their rebellious side and is also considered very social. The fact that she's smoking whilst in this state also just adds to the whole illusion that she's a rebellious teenager who has no boundaries or consideration for what she gets up to in her spare time.
Props - Mobile phone.
We used a Blackberry Curve as the phone that she had as its a very popular phone with people aged 14-25, and we wanted to show that teenagers never go anywhere without their mobile, so even if she's drunk or high she still won't lose her phone as its very important to her.
Thursday, 9 February 2012
Distributor research- Momentum Pictures

Momentum Pictures (also known as Alliance Films UK), an Alliance Films company, is one of the leading independent motion picture distributors in the UK and Ireland.
If i had to choose a current distributor to distribute our movie that we are making the opening for, i would most likely choose Momentum Pictures, i would choose this distribution company because after extensive research into many UK based distributors, this is one of the companies with the biggest variety in movies in their history. Ranging from a historical drama in 2011 which was 'The Kings Speech' to a romantic drama in 2010 which was 'Dear John'.
Other genres that are included in the image of Momentum Pictures are Romantic comedies, Supernatural movies, Comedies, Family comedies, Survival Thrillers, Crime movies, British dramas, Horrors and Action movies. So i think that a Teen Movie would fit in well.
Momentum's most successful theatrical releases include the Oscar, BAFTA and BIFA-winning The King's Speech, Amélie, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Lost in Translation, Control, Downfall, The Young Victoria, Defiance, Milk, Let the Right One In, The Illusionist, Just Friends, District B13 Ultimatum, The Men Who Stare at Goats, Law Abiding Citizen, Glorious 39 and P.S. I Love You.
Monday, 6 February 2012
Shooting Schedule
When it comes to filming we need a very detailed shooting schedule; I'm going to bullet point the order of when we're going to shoot certain frames. We're going to do a least 4 takes of every frame to make sure that we get sufficient filming to make sure we get all the shots we need.
Tuesday 21st February:
-Close up of Jenny's heels, tights, feet and makeup.
-Long shot of Jenny walking.
-Tracking mid shot of Jenny about to sit on the kerb and then sitting down.
-Extreme close up of Jenny taking cigarettes and phone out of her bag and placing both items on the pavement next to her.
-Over the shoulder shot of Jenny picking up and lighting up her cigarette.
-Close up of Jenny taking a drag and then exhaling.
-Long shot of Jenny of looking exhausted, then hear her phone ring.
-Close up of Jenny picking up the phone.
-Film mid shot of Jenny putting the phone to her ear
-Film mid shot of Jenny sat on the kerb having a conversation.
-Film tracking shot of Jenny walking.
-Long shot of Jenny walking from behind.
-Long shot of Jenny walking from the front, showing the college sign in the background.
Thursday 23rd February:
- Mid shot of Jack getting ready, this shot will be used for the split screen between him and Jenny.
Tuesday 21st February:
-Close up of Jenny's heels, tights, feet and makeup.
-Long shot of Jenny walking.
-Tracking mid shot of Jenny about to sit on the kerb and then sitting down.
-Extreme close up of Jenny taking cigarettes and phone out of her bag and placing both items on the pavement next to her.
-Over the shoulder shot of Jenny picking up and lighting up her cigarette.
-Close up of Jenny taking a drag and then exhaling.
-Long shot of Jenny of looking exhausted, then hear her phone ring.
-Close up of Jenny picking up the phone.
-Film mid shot of Jenny putting the phone to her ear
-Film mid shot of Jenny sat on the kerb having a conversation.
-Film tracking shot of Jenny walking.
-Long shot of Jenny walking from behind.
-Long shot of Jenny walking from the front, showing the college sign in the background.
Thursday 23rd February:
- Mid shot of Jack getting ready, this shot will be used for the split screen between him and Jenny.
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