Looking back at your preliminary task (the continuity editing task), what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
From the preliminary task I was learned a great deal about the camera as I did all the filming for ours. Filming took around 15 minutes as I'd never used a camera like that before so I have to learnt all about it. Also as we wanted to try and do the best possible job we could, we did about 3 shots of every scene. However when it came to editing this I found it surprisingly easy and enjoyed it a lot more compared to filming. I learnt how to cut clips down, render the film, add text, add music etc. We didn't have to use a lot of editing skills in the preliminary though as it was very simple compared to our finished film.
I feel ii have progressed form the preliminary task throughout the time we've been making our finial project. Me and Jess talked it through as we knew that her stronger point was filming and mine was editing, so therefore we both wanted to do a little bit of both; but Jess did more filming and I did more editing. Through editing our finial film I've learned out to add text on the screen, add music, adjust sound levels and volume for speech or music or any particular type of sound, I learnt how to spilt a screen in two; we had to do this as we had a spilt phone conversation. I think using all of these skills has helped me understand the film business a lot more and made our film more interesting to watch, which will hopefully get our target audiences attention.
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