Sunday, 1 April 2012

Evaluation - Question 4 Jenny Tate.

Our target audience is from an age range of 15-21 and of both genders, this is because I feel that they will be able to relate and understand the film a lot more easily than someone who is say, in their mid thirties. The social group that we would be aiming for would be a 'party animal' type, they get excited by the idea of going out, drinking, seeing friends and having a good time, they typically would also be around the age of 15-21. We know that under the age of 18 is illegal to drink but its a known fact the under-age drinking happens so they would enjoy watching this film as they would be able to relate to it. 

When thinking about the audience for our media product, we thought up two hypothetical teenagers as I thought it would then be easy to think of the types of people who would watch our film.  

Mischa: She is a 17 year old college student of black British ethnicity, that lives with her Dad in Bristol, that enjoying going to concerts, hanging out with her friends, going to parties, going to town, drinking and following fashion. At parties and in her spare time she tends to listen to music that is in the charts, dubstep and drum and bass. She generally watches e4 as it appeals to her age group, some of the shows that are shown are; Skins, The Inbetweeners, The Big Bang Therory, Shipwrecked, Misfits etc, this all falls under the 'Teen' genre. 

Aaron: He is a 16 year old school drop out of white British ethnicity, who is unemployed and lives with his parents in Liverpool. In his spare time he likes to go down the skatepark with his friends, he also likes to play xbox and occasionally smokes cannabis. He listens to alternative rock and indie music. He doesn't tend to watch much t.v except for Skins and the occasional episode of Friends, but he mainly watches films such as Kidulthood and other 'Teen' films. 

We came up with these two people as although they are both different in they own ways they would both still be interested in our film because if their age and their interests. These would be the type of people who would most likely watch skins as it has aspects of their own life in it. Also according to the BFI, the gender spilt of films with a similar genre to skins in 2011 was 53% girls and 47% boys, really not that much of a difference, this is why we thought of two people as both genders would hopefully be interested in our film.

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