How does your media product represent particular social groups?
Our media product represents our social group as rebellious. We thought of our social group as soon as we started to think our our initial ideas. We knew from the start that we wanted our film to be about teenagers, teenage life and how they rebel against what society wants them to be.
We wanted to show that I had had a rough night out, possibly got myself into trouble, drank and possibly even taken other substances. The way in which I am dressed, my make up and my hair all connotes this. We got our inspiration for the make up from 'Effy' a character in 'Skins'. As she has she has make up down her face as if she's been crying, has messy hair and is smoking a spliff. however we to advertising drug taking so we made me smoke cigarettes in our film.
We used cigarettes as a prop in our film so to suggest that she needs them if she's stressed, tired, hungover, and smoking is just a normal thing for her. It's typical behaviour for her, she's a 'difficult' teenager so smoking in an alley way outside college is classed as a general thing for her, and we wanted to follow the stereotype of a rebellious teenager, so thats the reason we dressed her in this way, used cigarettes and hopefully made her come across with an 'I don't care attitude'.
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